Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Career in camera operating

Candidates for camera operating positions should have good technical and creative skills. Workers gain their experience through formal training offered by  institution and then on-the-job supervision.

 Courses cover all technical and artistic topics. A bachelor’s degree is recommended in order to cover all areas, including business that might be related to the trade.

Those interested in camera operation should look for knowledge and experience in a variety of places, including clubs, through part-time employment in a studio, or by subscribing to magazines and newsletters.

Entry-level jobs in this field may entail assisting with camera or lighting scheme set-up. Employers hire people who come with strong references and recommendations from other technicians, including directors and cinematographers, who are familiar with the job candidate’s work.

Camera operators usually begin in smaller studios and markets and work their way up to larger ones.Camera operators should be artistically coordinated, patient, detail oriented, and have solid interpersonal skills. They should also be able to hand hold a camera for an extended period of time.

Freelance camera operators should have the appropriate business skills in order to handle all contract, permission releases, sales, finance, and copyrighting obligations associated with their independent work.Advancement takes place after sufficient experience is gained. ENG operators may advance to a wider market.

Camera operators may move on to becoming directors of photography at a large television station or movie studio. Others move into the educational field where they teach at universities, film or technical institutions.

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